Do You Want to make a Positive Impression, Build Relationships and Influence Effectively?
You’ll gain a detailed insight into 2 key and complimentary disciplines which have been developed to help us better interact with others in the work place; DISC Profiling & Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) incorporating Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic learning styles (VAK).

More details
DISC profiling
A personal assessment tool to help us anticipate behaviour, understand how people will respond and help us work on better motivation across the team. It is used to improve your customer service & sales approach; aiding recruitment & selection including effective job matching; team building & taking leadership skills to a new level. Organisations and individuals who use DISC experience improved communication, more effective team dynamics, reduced conflict, more productive sales conversations and higher levels of motivation.
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Incorporating VAK (Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic learning styles) - Effective communication is a key building block for all successful businesses. NLP provides an understanding of how and why we all receive and interpret communications differently, and hence enables us to better interact with others. This ensures we achieve better outcomes in problem solving, negotiations, business development and even strategic planning.
Your VAK style guides your learning and how you internally perceive experiences. We’ll identify your relative strengths in V, A & K in order to help your professional interactions. This will even impact the words you use and how you remember information.
This training workshop is designed for everybody within the business. We all communicate every day in various ways, but not always do we communicate to an individual in the most effective way to win them round to our way of thinking.