Breakthrough Day is a well-established, highly successful 3 monthly planning day. Its purpose is to enable business leaders to take a step back from continually working in the business to work on the business, and to visualise where they are heading.
This may include objectively assessing where they are now and specifying long term goals; next planning what they would like to achieve this year, all the way down to what specific actions will they work on now, to ensure their business and their personal life is on the right track.
We are now focused on running BreakThrough Day solely for individual companies - we currently have no open sessions planned.

We will highlight the business critical areas which affect you today, as well as focusing on key learnings and new ideas shared with a range of successful business leaders.
Each BTD follows a similar format:
- You will be given time to work on your short and long term planning.
- 'Book of the quarter', whereby you share learnings from an exceptional business or personal development related book (provided) with other colleagues.
- Advisory Forum: The group effectively become virtual, non-executive directors providing advice and the benefit of their experience on key issues impacting the business of a fellow delegate.
Each quarterly Breakthrough Day session will have a different theme - see below for some examples:
- Marketing Mastery
- Time Mastery
- Sales: Using the Key Tools
- The Talent Within
- Winning the Deal
- Sales Communications